January Currently and Happy 2014 Resolutions!

I'm so excited for the new year! I may have written some SMART goals with objectives for myself this year. LOL Life of a special education teacher...anyway here's my currently for this year! Link up with Farley here.
Listening: As much as I really do love Christmas music, it's nice to get back to my regular country music :)

Loving: It's been snowing practically all day long and I'm absolutely loving it! It's so beautiful and it's nice that I don't have to drive anywhere either. Don't have to go back to school until Monday!

Thinking: I've been having a lot of fun with TpT lately and created a video tutorial for one of my products. You can see my tutorial here if you want to check it out. I'm trying to decide if this is something I should do for all of my products. It wasn't that difficult...but I'm not sure I like my voice.

Wanting: I'm sure as soon as I started I would change my mind, but I just think it would be fun to build a snowman like I did when I was a little kid.

Needing: I really stink at planning dinners...and with a picky eater for a husband, we usually end up eating pasta or pizza most nights. Ugh, so boring. I will gladly take any advice anyone has or any good easy recipes! I need to use my crockpot more often as well.

Memory / Tradition: Check out the picture of our matching family sweatshirts from my grandparents. Seriously, how can you not LOVE that?!

And because there is a fun link up party at First Grade Nest, I decided to make some New Year's Resolutions. That's a good enough reason, right? For real though, these are all things I want to do this year and think that I can achieve....and now you all have to hold me accountable!

I can do it! And, as a side note, I am a rock star at Facebook, so follow me over there to get more frequent updates and cool ideas!


  1. I love your video tutorial! What a great idea! I feel like it's so much easier hearing someone explain a product rather than trying to type out the directions. Nice job!
    What a cute picture of your family! Love the sweatshirts!
    Tricks of the Trade in First Grade

  2. I'm loving the snow too! It's nice knowing you don't have to go anywhere! :)
    Found your blog through Currently and I am your newest follower. Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! Missy TheAdventuresofAClassyTeacher

    1. Definitely! I am following you on TpT! Looking forward to seeing more of your products :)

  3. I wish we had snow here in Seattle. Instead, we have endless dark gray clouds, drizzle, and fog, sigh. Still, I'll take it, it's what we have to pay for the natural beauty Seattle is known for. I think the video tutorials are great, and your voice is fine. Or own voice always sounds worse to our ears. I love that I can see exactly what I am getting, your explanations for intended use, as well as suggestions for alternate ways the product can be used. I think it's a keeper. Have a wonderful new year and I look forward to reading your blog and seeing your new products.

    1. Thanks Jannike! And thanks for the feedback about the videos - I'll see what happens and maybe continue them! :) Hope you have some nicer weather soon!

  4. I love your SMART resolutions, Brie...and the matching sweatshirts! How fantastic! :)

    1. Thanks Kara! And you should see my "real" resolutions with monthly benchmarks - ha! It seemed too intimidating to put those online... :)


(C) Brie Holtrop- Breezy Special Ed. Powered by Blogger.
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