Instagram Activity in the Classroom - Work on Writing and Social Skills

Teach writing and communication skills in a fun, relatable way with your special education students this year! 

Socialgrams allow for students to express their thoughts on a topic using a familiar social media format, with a picture, short caption, hashtags...and classmates can even add comments!

So, how would this look in your classroom? 

Why You should Incorporate Daily Questions in your Classroom

Incorporating errorless daily questions has been a game charger for hundreds of classrooms, not just mine. I got this email the other day from Erica and knew I had to share with you. How could daily questions change your classroom? You don't know until you try! And I'd bet you'd be surprised at just how many ways it will benefit the students in your classroom

"Last year I was looking to revamp my usual morning meeting routine and I stumbled across your daily questions on TpT. I cannot explain, nor be so grateful for, what this one resource did for my students.

Engagement, Independence, and Expressive Language

In a matter of weeks, their engagement, independence, and above all expressive language improved DRASTICALLY. I noticed how each of my students would participate without fear and even provide unprompted comments! The question of the day quickly became both mine and my students favorite part of the morning. I absolutely love the errorless learning aspect. I put such high expectations on my students everyday but this simple routine truly allows them to be themselves.

(C) Brie Holtrop- Breezy Special Ed. Powered by Blogger.
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