November Currently

Happy November! I know we're all thinking it, but seriously, how is it already November?! Link up with this month's currently over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade!

Listening: Seriously, I am so sick of political commercials! So much negativity, it can really get you down! Sometimes I catch myself thinking, why even vote, if it's just one evil over another. But I will be out at the polls tomorrow! However, I feel like I need to do a little bit of research. I know who I want to vote for for governor, but there are so many other people...sigh. And then I think it doesn't really matter.

Loving: We got hardly any treat-or-treaters due to the nasty weather so I'm enjoying their candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Oh, and for snacks too :)

Thinking: See above in "listening"

Wanting: I'm at a point in the year when I am exhausted and just feel like I can't do anything. And everything's so difficult and nothing is going the way I want it to go. And my first IEP is coming up in 3 weeks. It was a nice break not having those for a while... Ugh. I'll get over it soon enough but I just want things to get easier again!!

Needing: See above to know why I need some energy and motivation! :)

Reading: I'm doing this book "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer with my Bible Study girls. I enjoy it, but would love to be reading a book just for fun!


  1. Hi. I'm sick of the politics, too. It all comes to an end tomorrow, thank goodness. I hope for good outcomes. I love your frappuccino costume btw- great idea! See you around! Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun and actually really easy to make. Not going to lie though, I had to borrow the dress and scarf from a friend but after that it came together so easily! :)

  2. OMG!! The political stuff is OUT OF HAND! We had pretty nasty weather too. I actually told some of the kiddos in my apartment building to come by and get more candy again today...they were happy to do that!

    1. That was a good idea! I think I'll just eat all mine though ;)

  3. I'm with you on the political commercials. I record everything so I can fast forward through them. The most annoying thing is the multitude of political calls to my home! Grrrrr. I voted early this year because last time I waited in line for 3+ hours to vote. Tomorrow my grade level is setting up a voting booth for our 2nd graders to vote on our next field trip. They are excited! Good luck with your upcoming IEP! I've already been in 3 as the gen ed teacher. Fun, fun, fun!
    On the Go Teacher Mama

    1. That sounds like such a fun idea! I might have to look into some fun voting things we can do tomorrow in class. And oh my, forgive me, but if I have to wait 3 hours...I'm not sure if it will happen!!


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