5 NO PREP Resources for St. Patrick's Day and March Special Education

Are you feeling the drag of the school year by this point? Let me make it a little bit easier for you by showing you these resources that you can click, print, and use without any additional prep work or modification for your special education students.

Sound good? Here are 5 resources for March and St. Patrick's Day that are differentiated and ready to go!

March National Day Journals

Celebrate every day in March with these journals!

☘️ Classroom Poster: Use this classroom poster to project your screen in your classroom, share on a zoom video lesson, or print to use in small groups! You can use this poster to introduce the day, discuss and access prior knowledge about the topic of the national day.

☘️ Level 1: These students who may not be able to write so these journals are designed so that students can circle or use a dot marker to answer the symbol options for the journal.

☘️ Level 2: Students completing the level 2 journals will trace both the date and topic. They will copy the topic word to the best of their ability and then circle their opinion question.

☘️ Level 3: Students using level 3 are able to write or copy words. They will write the date and topic and can look at the classroom sample to help them fill in these blanks. They will copy the answer to their opinion question from the choices on the page.

☘️ Level 4: These journal templates are the same each day. These are for your higher-level students that would be able to copy the entire thing for the classroom sample and do not need the visuals on their journal template.

St. Patricks Day Would You Rather Questions

Do you use a question of the day? I love would you rather questions as a fun way to switch it up. These are great for some lighthearted fun and conversations as well as teaching students to have fun and not take everything so seriously.

This set includes a combination of silly and opinion questions all themed around St. Patrick's Day. These are great for special education and inclusion classrooms as the visuals help all students succeed. 

Various levels of journals also include to turn this into a perfect activity for a writing center!

Use these with your class to get some great discussion and journal opportunities!

Perfect for classrooms with students of varying abilities!

  • Non-verbal students 👉  Have them point to their answer using the visuals!
  • Non-writers 👉  Have them draw a picture or cut and paste to answer the journal
  • Beginning writers 👉  Have them copy the word of their choice for their journal
  • Advanced writers 👉  Have them write WHY they chose their answer!

Great for morning work, social skills, speech and language arts!

 Grab Would You Rather Questions HERE 

St Patrick's Differentiated Cards

These PRINT and GO cards are differentiated for multiple levels for students. They are great for Saint Patrick’s Day parties as a life skill writing activity. Levels include symbol support for non-writers, tracing, and copying sentence starters. 

Writing cards work on
☘️ writing
☘️ communication
☘️ friendly letters
☘️ social skills
☘️ life skills

Supports are included for all students! Differentiation is my jam!! 

1️⃣ symbol support cut and paste

2️⃣ tracing

3️⃣ copying or independent writing

I promise you there will be a level for every one of your students! 

Grab St. Patrick's Day Cards HERE

St. Patrick's Day Errorless Journals

Do you use journals as a station or a whole class activity? ☘️ Either way you do it, these errorless journals are super easy to differentiate!
My favorite way to differentiate? Print off each students journals at the appropriate level ahead of time and place them in their journal binder. When it’s time to journal, project the classroom sample (or show on an iPad or displayed in the journal station and have students open to their customized journal page!
What makes these journals errorless? Students are able to complete each sentence (they are four sentences for each journal) using 2-3 options that are all correct! I wanted to push my students to express their thoughts but found many of them were nervous about answering wrong. This is a great first step to help them gain confidence.

Levels for all beginning writers include

1️⃣ cut and paste symbols (2 choices for each sentence at the bottom of the journal)

2️⃣ tracing and circling their choice, copying it on the line or using a cut and paste symbol to finish the sentence

3️⃣ use the classroom sample to draw and write their own journal

St. Patrick's Day Reading Comprehension

Designed for non-to-beginning readers, symbol picture support helps students be more successful at reading in this St. Patrick's Day comprehension set. These five reading passages are all about St. Patrick's Day including: March, shamrock cookies, parade, Irish food and leprechauns. There are five different stories along with reading comprehension activities for each included in this packet.

Each story includes: a short 4-5 sentence story, a cut and paste cloze (fill in the blank) activity, and a quiz.

Appropriate for special education classrooms of all ages!

Happy March and happy teaching and less prepping/differentiating with these easy to use resources ;) 

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